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The main purpose of silviculture is preserving and enriching the existing forests (regeneration) and founding new ones (forestation) respecting the environmental conditions and natural processes.

Silviculture includes collection and storage of tree seeds, production of saplings in nursery gardens, founding, nurturing and protection of plantations and tree stands. Soil and settlement works carried out in the area of the forest district in 2006 led to multiple changes in the classification of settlements. Share of more fertile settlements increased and the plan of 2006-2015 forest organization plan defined the extent of shelterwood and clearcutting.

Cybinka forest district has been in the possession of a Radzików nursery garden on the area of Nowy Świat sub-district. Saplings developed meet the needs of forest district nearly in total. For long-time storage of beech and oak seeds a special cold store has been erected.