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Report on cross-border corridors

The initial objectives have been achieved, however during project works, there occurred the need to adapt both the realisation of the project, and type and contend of declared actions, which were presented below.

Working out common evaluation methodology due to  population occurrence of chosen species (arrangements on the range of existing data sources assessment , type of mapping in the field and the partners taking part in the project). Within the workshops prepared in Franfurt on the Odra River, on the basis of the conception made by the IUS company within the order, there was decided further course of action.

There were particularly established the following:

·         The monitoring of wolf will be based on existing data sources and experts surveying. On German side, there will be photo-traps applied additionally in specified points.

·         Defining European otter population will be executed by visits to the areas inhabited by otters, among others, water reservoirs and assessment of existing data, as well as additionally on German side with help of photo-traps applied near the culverts.

·         Defining activities of kingfisher population, will take place on German side by appropriate local department calledNABU(Nature AndBiodiversity Conservation Union). On German side, the bird ringing won't be carried out. The activities will be strictly coordinated between NABU and the working group of professor Jerzak (the Nature conservation League / University of Zielona Góra).

·         European pond turtle: on Polish side , defining of the population will be conducted within the well-known areas of their occurrence. On the German side, there will be taken stock of water reservoirs, which often constitute potential habitats of  European pond turtle.

·         Collecting and analysis of data coming from institutions working on nature and forest protection, associations of nature conservation, universities and publications on chosen species ; on German side, there has already been consultation with the Ministry of the Environment, Health  and Consumer Protection. Brandenburg department NABU will make all collected so far information about kingfisher occurrence available within the framework of the order. The Forest District Cybinka  will support the working group of professor Jerzak – regardless of the subsidy received concurrently project by the Forest District, connected with ecological education and tourism.

   On the sever of University of Zielona Góra, there was fixed the platform of data exchange GIS (Geographic Information System). The exchange is carried out with the programme files ArcGIS (mdb format).

   The selection of areas was done, on both Polish and German sides, where monitoring is to be done.

   The first meeting / workshops starting the project (preparations, arrangements,  contend – related work) were prepared on February 28, 2013 in Frankfurt on the River Odra and they were very popular among Poles and Germans.

   Promotional actions accompanying the project, were realised in shape of Polish – German leaflet, publications on the websites and, news bulletin („newsletter"), taking part in conferences and press releases. Relevant confirmation of promotional actions was submitted in the Euroregion, altogether with the report.

   The results of inventory were entered into GIS and thus, there were elaborated maps of population occurrence on Polish and German sides.

   The cards with descriptions of particular animal species and  ideas concerning appropriate steps were worked out, and then collected  in the action cards and action plans.