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Zajęcia edukacyjne w ramach projektu


Audycja radiowa - Radio Zachód

Dnia 27 kwietnia w Radio Zachód odbyła się audycja radiowa o Projekcie,


Competition for the youth

On March 13, 2014, in the headquarter of the Forest District Inspectorate Cybinka, there was held the competition for German and Polish youth.

For the competition, there came the youth from several Polish and German schools.

The competition struggles went on several disciplines. The students were divided into mixed groups (Polish-German), in which they could demonstrate their knowledge about European otter, wolf, amur bitterling, kingfisher and European pond turtle. They also did the artwork based on designing the poster on the cross-border Corridors.

All the students taking part in the competition got in-kind prizes and diplomas.

Promotion of cross-border cooperation

In 2014, the Forest District Cybinka realised project titled "Promotion of cross-border cooperation of the Forest District Cybinka and Landratsamt Bautzen Kreisforstamt". The partner from Saxony side is Landratsamt Bautzen Kreisforstamt (Division of Forestry at Bautzen District Office) with its seat in Kamenz.

The partner from Saxony side is Landratsamt Bautzen Kreisforstamt (Divisionof Forestry at BautzenDistrict Office)with its seat in Kamenz (

Within the project, the website of the Forest District Cybinka was modernised. There were prepared information about the project's partners in three language versions: Polish, German and English.

On the internet under the address, one can find interesting news on forests, nature and tourist attractions. There are also necessary information, everyone should know while walking around forests, news and special features and trailers of the most interesting events. The website is accompanied by beautiful graphic design, which encourage people to come and visit the Forest District Cybinka.

The project contributed to the cooperation development with the foresters from Saxony, and to the mutual understanding Polish and German foresters. It concerns, not only differences in state regulations, but also in the local ones.

The project "Promotion of cross-border cooperation of the Forest District Cybinka and Landratsamt Bautzen Kreisforstamt" was co-financed from Small Project Fund (Polish abbreviation FPM) by European Union within the Cross-border Cooperation Operational Programme POLAND – SAXONY 2007-2013.



Cross-border Corridors

Educational activities, on the basis of the network of the trans-European migration corridors for wild animals within the area of the Southern Brandenburg – Lubuskie Province.

The Forest District Cybinka started its cooperation with the Nature  Protection Fund Brandenburg in 2011.

In the meetings organised by Germans, there were set forth the conditions of the project. In its realization on the Polish side, there will be involved people specialised in various fields (computer scientists,  graphic artists,  regionalists, etc.).  The project will be coordinated by the Forest District Cybinka. Polish side will carry out activities of educational character, and German side of scientific character.

The project is dedicated to the local people from the borderland of Poland and Germany, as well as to nature preservation experts.

Cross-border cooperation in the area of species protection covered by the project will allow an exchange of experiences and will contribute to a better understanding of biotopes on both sides of the border. We would mainly like to focus on educational and promotional activities.

Creation of the network of migration corridors running aside the River Odra, allows the complex monitoring of the species movement covered by the project (namely kingfisher, European otter, wolf, European pond turtle and amur bitterling), as well as other animals for which "the river" isn't any obstacle.

Infrastructure and inconsiderable urban sites development on Polish side enable an access of that area in respect of education and tourism, at the same time not destroying the  order existing in nature. The increase of biodiversity among fauna of the Odra River is common aim of Polish and German partner.

Educational and information activities will be directed to all people interested in the project, schools and people related to nature preservation.

The workshops in the Forest District Cybinka will be carried on by  groups of people related to the project or by specialists on nature preservation.

Educational classes will be conducted for school groups, pre-school groups and tourists visiting our Forest District.


Main activities within the framework of the project:

  1. Conducting the educational and information activities.
  2. Carrying out Polish – German workshops (summary of the project, suggestion for the project continuation).
  3. Conducting the thematic competition.
  4. Preparation of educational base.